Fall Kayaking Basics
As we see the end of August quickly approaching and plans for Labor Day weekend begin to be made it is only natural to feel summer slipping away. For many that is a natural end to kayak season but for others it just means a little more thought needs to be put into that trip out on the water. The purpose of today’s blog is to share some tried and true basics for extending the kayak season well into Fall and possibly Winter.
How do you fix a leaky kayak scupper plug?
Do you have leaky scupper plugs? We may be able to help. Today we will cover some common causes and offer up some solutions to fight nuisance water in your kayak.
What type of kayak to buy?
Buying a kayak today is not as simple as it use to be and that is because their popularity has exploded in recent years. With popularity and demand comes a lot more kayak manufacturers as well as kayak accessories and options.
What do I need to know before buying a kayak?
With so many things to now to consider it is no wonder we often get asked, “What do I need to know before buying a kayak?” We have written this kayak buyers guide for you.
How Do You Measure For Kayak Scupper Plugs
Today we are proud to add another tool to help customers select the right plugs for their kayak. It is our all new kayak scupper plug measuring tool which is simple to print and use immediately for plug selection
Drain Plugs For Sit-on-Top or SOT Kayaks?
It seem that recently SOT kayak manufacturers started adding drain plugs to their designs. When we reached out to several of the major kayak brands we discovered the reason why.
New Kayaks Models for 2020
Each year Kayak Scupper Plugs searches high and low for the latest kayak models and manufacturers to ensure we continue to offer the most extensive collection of custom scupper plug kits available anywhere.
Kayak Scupper Plug Care & Maintenance
if you notice your new scupper plugs have a slightly oily feel to them, then you may want to wash them off.
Why do kayaks have holes? Do I need scupper plugs?
This is probably the most highly contested debate online and something we hear from our customers all the time. It usually goes “I do not know why there are even holes anyway!”, “Why do they put holes if you just have to plug them?” and “Do I leave the plugs in all the time?”