How do you fix a leaky kayak scupper plug?
Do you have leaky scupper plugs? We may be able to help. Today we will cover some common causes and offer up some solutions to fight nuisance water in your kayak.
What's next? Gen2 Self-Draining Kayak Scupper Plugs Now Available!
ayaks today are nothing like kayaks of yesterday so why is it that so many people settle for the old One-Size-Fits-All approach to plugging scupper holes? After all we have 17 different sizes of standard plugs that prove that to no longer be the case.
Winter Kayaking - The Essential List
So here we are approaching the end of another kayak season and you find yourself desperately grasping for just a few more weekends on the water. Does the fun really need to end?
Kayak Scupper Plugs Launches Self-Draining Scupper Plugs
Our in-house design and manufacturing team has come up with a way to combine our extensive database of custom kayak scupper plug kits with the customer demand for self-draining scupper plugs.